Success Stories
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free initial consultation
Inclusion companies are capable of more than you think!
Wiesendrusch – Production and distribution of local seeds
In the projectWiesendrusch – Production and distribution of local seeds, oeconos GmbH took over the economic evaluation. The extraction of regional seeds through meadow threshing and its targeted marketing make a decisive contribution to the biodiversity of a region and the preservation of the native flora and fauna.
High service quality and sustainable management
Innovative ways for active inclusion ofpeople withdisabilities
The technically competent consultant of oeconos GmbH has proceeded very profoundly and carefully when examining the circumstances of our company for the preparation of a report and has included me in the considerations at any time. Through the committed and comprehensive assessment, further potentials for the company could be identified.
Integration of people with disabilities
Pavingthe way for a job on the regular job market
In the phase of an economic imbalance of Pfiffikus GmbH, oeconos GmbH was commissioned to carry out an economic feasibility study in order to analyze the company’s situation and to be able to make a statement on the sustainability of the company or of individual sub-areas.
After determining the stage of the crisis and an economic feasibility study, various approaches to a solution were sought with the involvement of all stakeholders.
Through the quick and meaningful development of a sustainable reorganization concept and the competent consultation by oeconos GmbH, an impending insolvency of Pfiffikus GmbH was averted. We are particularly grateful for the clear words at the beginning, which only made us aware of the very serious situation of the Pfiffikus GmbH at that time.
High service quality and sustainable management
Takeover and transformation into integration project
Thanks to the professional preparation and support by oeconos GmbH, the takeover of SCHWENKEL could be handled smoothly, quickly and to the complete satisfaction of all parties involved.